Green Belt

Green Belt



  1. Front Kick low, middle, Side Kick High
  2. Side Kick Middle, Hook Kick-Roundhouse Kick High
  3. Hook Kick, Roundhouse Kick High, Side Kick Middle
  4. Original combo set

Spin Kicks

  1. Spinning Sweep Kick
  2. Spinning Hook Kick

Jump Kicks

  1. Butterfly Kick
  2. Jump spinning outer crescent kick
  3. Jump spinning side kick

Knife Self-Defense (Hapkido)

  1. Attacker: Over head knife strike, knife cross block step under attacking arm and throw them the same direction they attacked from
  2. (Aikido) Attacker: Straight attack to midsection with right hand and foot forward and defender in left combat stance steps to the left with their front foot and catches right attacking wrist of attacker with rear right hand and step back into a circle to the right with your right foot pivoting on your left foot while grabbing the top of attackers arm over the elbow to bend their arm then step forward with your right foot and bring attacker down onto their back pushing elbow into their wrist locking it causing pain until they release knife.

Hapkido ETC.

  1. Opponent steps toward you into right front stance and right high punch and you are in left combat stance and you left high block while you put your right forearm over their right arm to bend it while using their momentum to lock their arm and you spin on your right foot while stepping back with your left foot and dropping them to the ground.
  2. Chinese military derivative

Opponent chokes your neck with both hands and your grab both of their wrists and cross them toward each other to break their grip and the arm that is on top you trap with your closest arm wrapping it over their arm extending it so they bend forward while you also control them with their wrist and/or fingers.

  1. Jeet Kune Do (from tie-up position)

Counter to single-arm wrap around: As they attempt this on your right arm with their right arm you circle your arm counterclockwise pinning his arm to your side as you step in front of his front right leg with your right leg and twist your torso to the left as you push on his shoulder to throw him down to ground you control him with a figure-four elbow crank (grabbing your own wrist under their arm with the arm that is doing the trapping while your other hand is grabbing their arm just above their elbow). Lift up on his arm as you twist to the left to apply more pressure.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Basics: Basic Mount Escapes: see page 2 submissions pg 3

Form 4 or Poomse Palgwe Sa Jang see page 4

GREEN BELT pg 2 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques

Throws 1-4

1. O Soto Gari (sweep)

Right hand grabs opponent’s collar and your left foot steps up to the left of their right foot & your left hand grabs their right wrist and pulls them off balance to the left then step behind their right foot with your right foot and sweep them onto their back locking their right arm.

2. O Goshi (back throw)

Start in neutral position as in #1 and take a side step facing same direction as opponent and wrap your arm around their back and put your head close to their chest, move your rear leg forward in a horse stance inside range of their separated feet and bend your legs so your hips are lower than his then lower your head and straighten your legs, moving your hips slightly out, raise your head and lift them off the ground, turn your torso and throw them.

3. Koshi Guruma (neck throw)

From neutral position put your arm around their neck while taking a diagonal step towards the same side as your arm, move your other leg back and slide your hips in, bending both legs with opponent behind you with his base more open, raise your hips, extend your legs and torso and throw him.

4. Ippon Seoi Nague (under arm throw)

From neutral position take diagonal step putting your arm under theirs trapping it with your biceps, fit your hips against theirs, shift your weight forward, releasing it from your heels, stretch your leg, raise your hips turning your torso to throw.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Basic Full Mount Escapes Detail

  1. Escape the Full Mount: Opponent’s hands are on your chest or choking you from the Mount. Use monkey grip on his wrist and use other hand to cup the back of his other elbow at the bicep at same time keeping your elbow down to keep his knee from moving forward. Trap the leg on same side as grabbled elbow so you can lift your pelvis up using your legs/stomach & roll them off in that direction ending up on your knees in opponent’s guard. Don’t forget to trap his elbow, wrist, & leg at the same time before you escape. Person getting rolled off should tuck in and roll on their shoulder to prevent injury.

1. b) Punching Full Mount Escape: Opponent punching you while in his mount. Immediately lean forward, wrap your arms around his midsection with your head to the side against his chest (keep head against body) and pull him down onto his hands, then grab both of his shoulders and push yourself forward with your feet. Grab/Hug his back with your arm (tight body hug) and with your other arm wrap over his to trap and grab the back of his elbow and use your leg to trap his leg on same side. Then use Hugging arm to reach up or push their hip and roll them off in the direction of his trapped arm. Person being rolled must turn their palm up & tuck in preventing broken fingers.

2. Open Guard Pass to Full Mount: After rolling him off you ending up in his open guard you will want to attempt to get him into your mount. Trap his hips with your elbows in tight with your knees forward keeping your head against his body and on the side you are facing take your hand and push his knee down to ground so you can put your knee over his hooking your ankle over his thigh and with the hand on same side hook it under his neck, then your other arm reaches straight forward on ground for balance turning your head other way then slide your other knee over his hip until your are in the Mount.

Groundfighting 1-3

Americana or Key Lock

You are mounting your opponent and you use your opposite hand to grab their wrist and the same side hand to grab the elbow & both hand pin their arm to the ground also placing your elbow on the ground next to their head in crook of their neck and your other hand goes palm up under their arm and turns over to grab your own wrist keeping monkey grips with both of your hands and keeping your own head low looking away from him. Slide his hand downward as you lift his same elbow. To prevent being rolled off you need to hook the opposite leg of the arm being locked and keep your other knee posted and use downward hip pressure. Have opponent test your base before you do the lock to test for control by pushing on your side. You can switch the hook to the other side if they try to roll you off the other way but switch it back before doing the Americana armlock. Neck-Hug Variation: If one of your arms is around the neck you can feed their hand to your hand under their neck with your free hand after pushing that hand to the ground to trap it. Then you can take your arm from around the neck and switch to monkey grips while you hook the leg as previous.


Straight Armlock (Guard)

Your opponent is grabbing your neck from your guard and staying lowand you hug his head for control as you hook your other arm through his leg behind the knee and shrimp your butt out away from your hooked arm and you put the leg on the hooked arm side up on his back. Then push his neck back with the forearm that was hugging his head as you put the leg on his back up under his armpit while your other leg passes his head and both legs bite his back, then lock his arm and use both arms to hold his wrist making sure his thumb is up and his arm is pulled in the direction of the leg that you were hooking with your arm at your bring him down on his back push the ground with your feet & your hips up to break arm. If he is choking you from a higher position where his arms are longer you grab wrist of arm your going to lock & don’t need to push his head back first & if he stands upjust lock his arm by straightening it holding his wrist with both hands. If he pulls his arm out of your control just set up a triangle choke by moving the leg that passed his head back on the other side of his neck for triangle set up position then execute the triangle choke.

Triangle lock (from guard)

Opponent is in your closed guard while you are holding them close to you for attack prevention and they move their left fist back to punch you, you insert your right knee and hold their left arm above the elbow at same time holding back of head w/ left hand and their back with left leg, then slide your right hand down their arm to the wrist pushing their arm back with your right shin then bring your right leg either through the hole created or straighten right leg and let go of their right wrist at last second and bring your right leg onto their shoulder with feet locked for triangle set up position. Then take both of your hands to grab inside arm or right arm at the wrist and bring their arm across your body and hold wrist with your right hand and you pull their head down with your left hand then put your left foot on their hip and scoot back so you can then put your right leg over their neck (preferably locked) and grab your right ankle with your left hand leaving room for you to put your left leg over your right ankle into locked position if possible and pull their head down and squeeze legs together to choke out.

Palgwe 4 Sa Jang

Number of moves: 28 Gi-yups: 8, 16 Trigram: Jin (Thunder)

Start in ready position.

1. Pull right foot next to left foot, turn 90° to the left into right back stance (left foot forward), side middle block with left hand, high block with right hand.

1b. Without stepping, draw back right arm and upper cut up from under the left arm (which draws back to a guard).

2. Without stepping, pivot feet to turn into a side stance, outward knife hand strike with left hand.

3. Pull left foot to right foot, turn 180° to the right into left back stance (right foot forward), side middle block with right hand, high block with left hand.

3b. Without stepping, draw back left arm and upper cut up from under the right arm (which draws back to a guard).

4. Without stepping, pivot feet to turn into a side stance, outward knife hand strike with right hand.

5. Bring right foot up behind the left, turn 90° to the left and step out into right back stance (left foot forward). Double high knife hand block to the left side.

6. Front kick with the right foot and set it down in right front stance.

6b. As you set the kicking foot down, spear-hand strike with the right hand (guarding your solar plexus with the left hand).

7. Turn 360° to the left, guarding you right kidney with your right palm.

8. Finish the turn in left front stance and horizontal hammer strike with your left hand (shoulder level and straight forward off the shoulder).

8b. Step forward into right front stance, low punch with the right hand. Gi-yup!

9. Turn 270° to the left into right back stance (left foot forward), side middle block with left hand, high block with right hand.

9b. Without stepping, draw back right arm and upper cut up from under the left arm (which draws back to a guard).

10. Without stepping, pivot feet to turn into a side stance, outward knife hand strike with left hand.

11. Pull left foot to right foot, turn 180° to the right into left back stance (right foot forward), side middle block with right hand, high block with left hand.

11b. Without stepping, draw back left arm and upper cut up from under the right arm (which draws back to a guard).

12. Without stepping, pivot feet to turn into a side stance, outward knife hand strike with right hand.

13. Bring right foot up behind the left, turn 90° to the left and step out into right back stance (left foot forward). Double high knife hand block to the left side.

14. Front kick with the right foot and set it down in right front stance.

14b. As you set the kicking foot down, spear-hand strike with the right hand (guarding your solar plexus with the left hand).

15. Turn 360° to the left, guarding you right ear with your right palm.

16. Finish the turn in left front stance and horizontal hammer strike with your left hand (shoulder level and straight forward off the shoulder).

16b. Step forward into right front stance, low punch with the right hand. Gi-yup!

17. Turn 180° to the left into side stance, low block with the left hand.

18. Pivot 90° to the left into left front stance (no step), reverse low punch with right hand.

19. Bring left foot almost to right foot, turn 180° to the right into side stance, low block with the left hand.

20. Pivot 90° to the right into right front stance (no step), reverse low punch with left hand.

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