Self-Defense (attacks/counters) Jeet Kune Do ETC.
Self-Defense & Gun Disarms pages 1 & 2
Kicking/Striking Combos & defenses see page 3
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu see page 4
Form: Poomse Palgwe Yuk Jang see page 5
Taekwondo = Way of the Hand and Foot Hapkido= Way of Coordination and Power
Jiu-Jitsu = Gentle art of Flexibility Jeet Kune Do = Way of no Way
Special Kick Four Directions right Front Kick-Side Kick back, left Front Kick to right-Side Kick to back.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques
Lesson 10: Leg Hook Takedown
Clinch: If you are on your opponents right side the left side of your head will be against the left side of his chest but not under his arm while you hug his body with both arms with the hand in front of his body grabbing the top of your other wrist that you have around his back. Your body is not directly in front of him but off to his right side a little with your left foot next to his right foot and your other foot in front of his body. To take him down with a leg hook takedown you take a set up step with your right foot stepping closer between the front of their legs then use your left foot to sweep their right foot (calf to calf) and lift their foot high like a donkey kick and land with your left knee high against their body with both hands unclasped and posted on each side of them, then slip the other knee over their body to achieve the mount position.
Lesson 11: Clinch (Aggressive Opponent)
Start and stay in same stance as opponent (same leg back) and keep finger touching distance by shuffling feet back and forth (going back move back foot first then slide front) (going forward move front foot first then slide back foot) and when he tries to come in for the punch shoot in with front leg with hands up to protect your face and get him in the clinch and leg-hook takedown.
Lesson 12: Clinch (Conservative Opponent)
Surprise Entry: If attacker is more cautious and does not just come in right away you can time his advances and wait for him to come forward and then shoot under his arms and keep driving forward if he is backing away until you can get the clinch. Always shoot in with your front leg and be in same stance as opponent (same leg back).
Lesson 13: Double Leg Takedown (Shoot)
Start facing opponent with same leg back (same stance) and shoulder touching distance and drop a level lower, step between his legs with your front leg and drive your shoulder into his waist with your head on the outside of his front leg, while you grab behind both of his knees just above his calves and drive him to the ground keeping control of his legs & one of your legs to the outside of his, then push down a knee and circle out to a side mount.
Lesson 14: Shoot (double leg takedown counter)
As opponent shoots hook underneath one bicep and over the other bicep and flip him onto his back lifting with the arm that is under then land on him in mount.
Lesson 15: Body Fold Takedown
When in the clinch with opponent trying to punch you in the face you can feel him lean back a little during attempted punch and you slide down a little from the side of his body with your front hand grabbing your own wrist around his back & you push his opposite side of chest with your head and shoulder as you lift and pull with your arms to fold his body back your step forward with your front foot and land on him in mount.
Palgwe 6 Yuk Jang
Number of moves: 29
Gi-yups: 6, 14b. Trigram: Gam (Water)
Start in ready position.
1. Turn 90 ° to the left into right back stance (left foot forward), double high knife-hand block to the left.
2. Front kick with the right foot.
2b. Set the kicking foot down into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
3. Turn 180° to the right into left back stance (right foot forward), double high knife-hand block to the right.
4. Front kick with the left foot.
4b. Set the kicking foot down into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
5. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low block with left hand.
5b. Without stepping or moving feet, twist body 45° to the left, knife-hand high block with left hand, inward middle knife-hand strike with right hand.
6. Front kick with the right foot.
6b. Without setting foot down, jump forward into right twisted stance, double back-fist strike with right hand forward. Gi-yup!
7. Turn 270° to the left into right back stance, double low knife-hand block to the left.
8. Pivot into left front stance, double middle block ("spreading middle block").
9. Front kick with right foot.
9b. Set kicking foot down into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
9c. Without stepping, reverse middle punch with left hand.
10. Turn 180° to right into left back stance, double low knife-hand block to the right.
11. Pivot into right front stance, double middle block ("spreading middle block").
12. Front kick with left foot.
12b. Set kicking foot down into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
12c. Without stepping, reverse middle punch with right hand.
13. Turn 90° to the left into right back stance, double high knife-hand block to left.
13b. Without stepping, pivot feet into left front stance, knife-hand high block with left hand, palm heal strike chin-level with right hand.
14. Front kick with right foot.
14b. Set kicking foot down in right front stance, back-fist strike with right hand. Gi-yup!
15. Front kick with left foot.
15b. Set kicking foot down into left front stance, high block with left hand.
16. Pivot and side kick with right foot/right backfist.
16b. Set kicking foot down into left back stance, double high knife-hand block to right.
16c. Turn 180° to the left into right back stance, double high knife-hand block to the left.
17a Turn 45° to the left into right back stance, double high knife-hand block to the left
17b. Without stepping, pivot feet into left front stance, knife-hand high block with left hand, palm heal strike chin-level with right hand.
18a. Front kick with right foot.
18b. Set kicking foot down in right front stance, back-fist strike with right hand.
19a. Turn 180° to the right into left back stance, double high knife-hand block to the right.
19b.Without stepping, pivot feet into right front stance, knife-hand high block with right hand, palm heal strike chin-level with left hand.
20a. Front kick with left foot.
20b. Set kicking foot down in left front stance, back-fist strike with left hand.
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